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The Cross and the Eyes of Love


I once heard a pastor tell this story: There was a priest that lived in the 1700’s. One Sunday morning he got in front of the church and said, “Tonight I am going to preach a sermon without using any words.” The people in the congregation thought, ‘A sermon with no word, those must be the best kind, we will...

The Greatest Comfort for Those In Christ


"There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1 The believer is in Christ as Noah was enclosed within the ark, with the heavens darkening above him, and the waters heaving below him, yet not a drop of the flood penetrating his vessel, not a blast of the storm disturbing the serenity of his spirit. The...

Finding Confidence in the Way I Was Created


God is a creative and commissioning God. He never lacks a strategic plan, nor the power or ingenuity to make it happen. That was clear in the creation account captured in Genesis chapter one. There is something to notice in God's creation account for those of us who struggle with confidence. Our God did three things that should cause our shrinking...

When Brokenness is a Great Strength


At times it seems that the economy of heaven is upside down. We are used to a this fight-to-win-it world which declare loudly that only the weak will fail. Yet, in God's eyes, the only way to succeed is to spend your soul at the deepest level. We are called to lose our life. Whoever seeks to preserve his life will...

Honesty: The Means to Having More of God


So how do honesty and grace connect? The grace of God is the very thing that allows us to be honest with God. If it were not for His grace – the combination of his unconditional love and his unrelenting mercy – we would not be able to say the things to God we need to say. Because He...

Avoiding Lies From Hell by Acknowledging Satan is Real


Allow me start tell you a story that still sends shivers up and down my spine. I was sitting on the New York Subway with a few friends, when a man literally crawled on all fours through the doors and upon the seat across from me. He was wearing all black, with black eyeliner and a pale white make-up...

Every Christian Should Think about Being a Counselor


I never thought I was a counselor... never. Though I love working with people, sitting with a person to "counsel" them was never on my radar. I wanted to be a preacher, pastor, even a barista, but not a counselor. Little did I know that counseling was a part of all those jobs. As long as I was a living...

Christ as the Main Priority


I have a nerdy confession to make: I love lists. In fact, I love making lists that are color-coded, categorized, and checked-off, one at a time. I have even tried to live my life according to a list that looks something like this: One: God Two: Family Three: Church Four: Friends… and the list goes on However, I’m realizing I can’t live my life...

Child-like Faith, Adult-sized World


For my mom and I, it became routine. I would lie down next to her to read the same book that we had read at every other nap time and bedtime. The book cover was a little girl, not much older than me, bending down to smell a tulip. On the inside cover, in my childish handwriting, I had...