Within the first few minutes of waking up, we determine the mindset we will have for the day. If we do not choose it, someone or something else will quickly choose it for us.

If we choose to believe it will be a good day, we will see the first struggles of the day as no big deal.

If we choose to believe it will be a bad day, then every setback will prove our point-of-view and the day will only get worse.

But is this just a matter of telling ourselves it will be a good day or a bad day? That sounds almost magical, superstitious, or as if we are lying to ourselves?

Is there something more to it?

The outcome of your day is dependent on your outlook on life.

The reason the Bible tells us to “give thanks” or “have grateful hearts” is because God wants us to remember His faithfulness. The goodness of God is the mood-setter for life. A person who is continually reflecting on the grace of God will be strengthened when facing the hard things in the day.

My Morning Moodiness

For example, I woke up today around my usual time. I enjoy the early morning hours of the day before the rest of the world is awake. However, today I was joined by a 2-year-old and a 6-month-old that didn’t want to continue to sleep.

I immediately thought, “This is my time… you can’t get up yet.” I snapped at my daughter for crying and waking they others. I wanted to them to go back to bed. Not to mention that the house was cold, the snow was coming down fast and I was out of coffee. My moping went on for a good 30-45 minutes.

You see, within seconds, I was frustrated and started the outlook on my day poorly. Someone else took what I thought was mine and this mindset of selfishness was beginning to set the mood for the rest of the day.

What changed was when I chose to see God’s goodness instead of my own selfish desires. I opened up and read Lamentation 3 in the Bible, which “just so happened” to be the passage in my Bible reading plan today. The first part of this song is depressing. At first, I thought, this is a perfect passage for today… on the depressing thoughts flowed, at least for a few verses.

But come verse 21, my perspective, along with the author, Jeremiah’s, began to change.

Lamentations 3:21–24: 
[21] But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
[22] The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
[23] they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
[24] “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.” (ESV)

Jeremiah goes on to admonish us to think upon the Lord’s goodness, waiting up Him, all to change our perspective. When we have lost sight of God’s goodness we will have the wrong mindset, every time. Romans 12:2 get at this same idea of “Renewing our mind” by rehearsing the truths of God’s Word and God’s character. Our outlook on a day can be changed if we will remember who it is that holds that day — and all of our days – in the palm of His hand.

Let me help you win the day…

(1) When you find yourself downcast or depressed about today, quickly find a Bible (or Bible app) and read passages about God’s goodness. Let the Word of God and the Spirit of God direct you back down a path of remembering all God is and all God does.

(2) Pray and be honest with God, telling him that you are down. Ask him to change your mind to see the bright spots of the day and to strengthen you when you face the dark spots.

(3) Go find a friend, text a friend or call a friend and ask him or her to help you remember God’s goodness in your life. Yes, this is a vulnerable thing to do — but I bet that same friend will call you back some day and ask you to do the same thing for them.

Discouragement is a temporary loss of perspective. Regain your perspective on God, his goodness and his graces and you will find that not much can get you down.

In the end, I had a great time with my kids this morning. My 6-month-old son was hilarious and my wife awoke with a smile and told me how beautiful the snow looked. By God’s Word, His power, and with a changed perspective, I saw everything differently.

Go strive to win the day trusting that God has already won it for you.


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