It was a discouraging morning. Peter, James and John had been fishing all night and come back empty handed. As a fisherman, there is nothing that will suck the wind out of your sails more than having an unsuccessful fishing trip. Often when you are discouraged (or even slightly embarrassed), the last person you want to talk to, yet alone run into, is Jesus.

disciples_fish_nets_boatHowever, that was exactly who the fishermen came to meet as they pulled their boats to shore. To find Christ when we are down, discouraged or dismayed just feels like bad timing. While there is comfort in Christ’s presence, like the fishermen, we often will feel many other feelings before we begin to feel the effects of his comfort.

We live under this impression that we are supposed to be happy when we see Christ. He is love, joy and peace, right? So aren’t those the feelings we should feel when we experience Christ through Bible reading or prayer? 

In many cases, the answer to those questions is yes. However, we also saw Christ instruct, correct and rebuke in His earthly ministry. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, He does the same things in believers today. At times His teaching is hard to hear. His discipline is done in love, but doesn’t always feel loving when we are going through it. When we experience Christ is a way that is different then the how we think He should be acting, we are bound to be discouraged. Yet, if we let go of our small and confirmed view of how we think He should act, we will see God as much larger with much greater purposes than our own.

The fishermen surely had their small view of God expanded when they pushed the boats back out, as Christ instructed. As they dropped their nets again they had to be certain they would not catch anything. Okay, fine Jesus, we’ll do as you say… but watch, nothing will happen…

At first, their lack of faith may have caused their mind to explain the now hard to retract nets as caught on something. But then, suddenly, as they pulled the nets up the heard the flapping of fish. The nets were so heavy they could barely get them on the boats. Their catch now served as their next “Big fish” story. Yet, this story was nothing compared to the “Big faith” story they would tell for generations to come.

What seemed silly or embarrassing on shore was now amazing. Christ was not only approachable and miraculous, but His bewildering (and what may have felt like belittling) instructions were gently rebuking and invigoration for their faith.

Come near to Christ, oh my Soul. Shed your shame. Embark into His presence in spite of your embarrassment. Allow yourself to be amazed by Christ and changed forever. 


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