Christian Life
“That Cross Was For Me”
Rembrandt, one of the most famous artists to ever live, painted a picture of Christ being raised on the cross. In the darkness of the picture you can almost feel the agony on Jesus’ face as the cross is lifted and the nails in His hands hold his body weight. As you peer into the dark picture, you can...
Treasuring Christ Above All Things
Being worthy of Christ does not seem like an achievable goal to me. How can I “earn the right” to “be entitled” to something as high and noble as Christ Himself? I was struck with a passage today that spoke of being worthy of Christ, or on the contrary, it explained what makes us unworthy of Him. Matthew chapter...
Trusting God with your Security, Satisfaction, and Salvation
To trust is to give someone your most valuable possessions—tangible and intangible—and know they have your best interest in mind. Considering this, I have to pause and ask, do I trust God this much? Do I believe in Him enough to give Him my most valuable possession… my soul? I’d like to think so, but I am left to...
Write to Experience Life Twice?
I once heard a person say this: “I write so that I can experience life twice.” At first I loved this quote. The thought of experiencing this blessed life twice by capturing it on paper was exhilarating. To recall sweet memories, feelings and the faces of those you love is always a wonderful exercise. But then there are those days that you...
Judas betrayal of Jesus Christ
The time in the Garden ended when He went to the disciples a third time and found them sleep. He alarmed them to their stupor state and begged them to pray. As He spoke He heard a crowd coming and saw the fiery torches bobbing in the dark night. His betrayer had come. A crowd sent by the chief...
You don't have to live long to learn that relationships are dependent on communication. My best friend growing up was Sam; we use to play together, call each other, join the same sports teams, and just hang out. But as time went on, he went his direction and I went mine. We quit communicating and our relationship has essentially...
Why Bragging is Pointless
In 2 Corinthians 11:16-33 Paul smacks pride in the face. He keeps saying, “If I boast…I speak like a fool…I am a madman!” In Verse 17 he even explains that for him to brag about himself is not speaking on the Lord’s behalf, but it is as if he is speaking like a fool. He knows for him to...
The Color Clear
When people ask me what my favorite color is, I always say “clear.” Why? Well, the truth is probably because I want to be somewhat comical and different. But at the same time it always gets people thinking… it gets me thinking. What is “clear,” and can it even be considered a color? I’ve come to define the color clear as...
God Cannot Lie
“It is impossible for God to lie.” God can do everything, except not be God. Because He is God – meaning that He is holy, pure and true. Therefore, it is impossible for Him to lie. If He did, He would not be God. So you and I can rest assured that if God has said that He will save...
Things I Can Do to Erase Conflict
Practical Steps for Anger and Conflict Resolution: Focus on what I can do to correct it Strive to understand the other person’s perspective Encourage open discussion, allow both parties to express their feelings First admit that I am part of the problem Recognize I cannot do anything to change the other person (only Christ can) Unpack on my thoughts about the issue and examine them...
Doubt can propel our faith
I talk about being a kid often because life and believing seemed so much simpler then. When I was a kid I had a friend. His name was Ho-Do. He was my best friend, and to me he was as real as any other person. However, for the rest of the world, they could not see him, hear him,...
Christ’s Persistence with My Stubbornness
Resistance is something Christ had to face often in His earthly ministry. From the Pharisees to the demons possessing people, He was familiar with having to confront the stubborn will of His adversaries. But how discouraging it must have been when He saw an attitude of resistance in His followers. It is expected for His opponents, both in this...