Home Books Honest to God: The Means to True Transformation

Honest to God: The Means to True Transformation

Honest to God by Josh WeidmannIs hypocrisy eroding your trust in relationships, the church, or even yourself? We long to know there is a God – and, yes, a community – who is big enough to accept us for who we are and loving enough not to leave us that way. Imagine how our relationships and witness would change if Christians everywhere began to live in a more authentic manner. Throughout the Bible, we find heroes of the faith who lived with daring, messy honesty before God and others–their example is worth emulating. Honest to God is a practical and riveting study of biblical honesty.

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What Others are Saying About Honest to God

“If you are tired of the game and are searching for something more authentic, then you have to read Josh’s call to a more honest and transparent walk with God. With a compellingly articulated combination of present day stories and Biblical reflections from the lives of those whose hearts chased after God, Josh has charted a course for those of us who want to be honest with God.”
– Dr. Joe Stowell
President, Cornerstone University
We love our masks-those elaborate covers of self-protection constructed daily in hopes of concealing our wounds, our doubts, and our brokenness. Thankfully, God calls us out, inviting us into His light, where all things-even wounds, doubts and brokenness-will be made new. In a culture hungry for authenticity, Weidmann’s book is a profound exploration of Biblical authenticity. It’s an amplification of God’s glorious invitation to acknowledge who we really are, and so uncover more of who we’re being made to be.
Mike Yankoski
Author of Under the Overpass