Dream-BigWhen I was younger I used to dream God-sized dreams. It was not rare for me to call owners of large buildings, semi-truck companies, and large traveling tents to see if they would donate some of their assets for God’s use. I would lay awake at night dreaming about what could be done for the glory of God.

Money was never an issue for me – I knew God had it. People’s possession never stopped me from asking if they would give it or sell it – because I knew who really owned it.

As I grew up, I stopped dreaming big dreams. Somewhere along the way the visions I had shrunk in their size. Perhaps this was because of the doors that were slammed in my face, the voices that told me I was crazy, or simply my own doubt that anything of outside the realm of reasonable possibility could be done.

As I grew up, my dreams got smaller – and so did my perspective of God.

Just this morning, as I was reading Nehemiah, I was reminded that God is able to accomplish far more than we can imagine. Nehemiah was a man that didn’t only dream of what could be – he involved himself to be part of the solution for what should be. Yes, he was afraid (2:2) and had to pray for God’s favor (1:11), but he didn’t stop praying and planning because of discouragement or doubt.

We serve a big God! He is not limited by our own thoughts of what “Could be.” He works outside of the sphere of possibilities and hold all things possible and impossible in the palm of His hand.

Pray. Plan. Pray. Do.

At every church I’ve served at we’ve been through days of dreams being stolen from us by discouragement. God doesn’t want us to stop moving just because of a few setbacks. He wants us to think His thoughts after Him; His thoughts are for a brighter future, a bigger impact, and a deeper people. Surely God sees what could be done through Mission Hills to reach Littleton and even the greater Denver area – but I have to ask, do we?

Let’s start dreaming His thoughts after Him. Nothing is off limits for God. Pray. Plan. Pray. Do.

Is there an area of your life where you’ve settled for status quo? Where do you need to rekindle God-size dreams for what should be in your life? Email me, I’d love to hear from you.


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