Home Partner with Gospel Daily

Partner with Gospel Daily

If you would like to offer a tax-deductible donation to Gospel Daily, you can contribute online by clicking here. We use Pushpay to make your online giving easier, faster, and more secure. It’s super easy and will only take you a few minutes. Be sure to select Gospel Daily as the Fund you are contributing to!  (please see below for screen shots and more detailed instructions for those contributing online).
You can also mail a check made out to Grace Chapel with “Gospel Daily” as the designated ministry in the memo line to:

Grace Chapel
8505 South Valley Hwy
Englewood, CO 80112

Any donations  to Gospel Daily help us continue to spread the Word in Colorado and beyond!  Please be sure to send us your contact information so we can keep you informed on how your contribution has influenced lives.

Unfamiliar with contributing online through Pushpay?
Here is a sample of what the process may look like if you are contributing online through pushpay.


  • Note that the Grace Chapel icon is in the upper left hand corner of the page.
  • This is the page where you’ll enter your contribution amount.
  • By default, the page is set to “recurring payments” – please make sure you click on whether you want to pay one time or on a recurring basis.
  • Under FUND, you’ll want to select the dropdown and set it to “Gospel Daily”


  • You’ll be asked to enter your mobile number so you can be sent a security code.


  • After your security code is confirmed, you’ll be taken to a page where you can enter your payment method.  Note that it says your gift is towards Gospel Daily for Grace Chapel.  This is how you know your gift is going specifically towards the ministry of Gospel Daily.


  • When your contribution has been successfully submitted, you’ll be directed to a confirmation page.  You’ll also receive a confirmation email as well as an emailed donation statement within one month after the calendar year ends which can be used for tax purposes.
  • If you have questions about this process, your confirmation page will show an email address you can contact for more specific questions!

Want to hear stories about how Gospel Daily is impacting lives, or wish to share a story of your own?  Please contact us:

Contact Us

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.