Grasping for a relationship with God isn’t always easy.
If we are honest, it can sometimes even seem impossible. Yet, in the Bible we are commanded to seek after God with all our heart, mind, and soul (Deuteronomy 4:29). But how are we to pursue a God that we can’t hear, see, or physically feel?
Here are a few biblical tips to help you pursue God wholeheartedly:
1. Pray that God will give you a desire for Him. We can see many times in Scripture where people prayed for God to give them a longing for Him. A great prayer to memorize and pray often is in found in Psalm 63:1-8 where it says, “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you” (vv.1-3).
2. Remove (or put in check) the things in your life that you love more than Him. It is easy to love the good things that God gives us more than we love Him. Our possessions, things that bring us pleasure, or even our loved ones, can often become idols of our heart. We must ensure we are not loving anything more than God, for when we do we replace God’s rightful place in our lives with something less than Him.
3. Spend time in meditation and prayer. Some of the great puritan believers of old (such as John Owen or Jonathan Edwards) spent hours in prayer and meditation each day. They would spend time praying through their life and asking God to reveal to them where He was needed most. Through concentrated times of prayer they found their desire for God grow to the point where they longed to return to their prayer time again and again and again.
4. Get around others who desire God. A Christian is not supposed to live life alone. We are meant to be connected to others that are desiring God and longing for His Word in their life. If you are primarily surrounded with people who do not know God, you are bound to begin to dwindle in your desire to know Him.
A love for God doesn’t grow on accident. Like a new born child, God gives us life but we must continue to nurture and grow it to maturity. If you would like more help in your walk with God and some tips for discipling your own soul, sign up for my weekly email where I send tips and resources to encourage you in your walk. In the end, strive for God with all your strength and I know His Spirit will meet you in biblical and unexpected ways.
Thank you for this, this has bless me, keep up the great work. God Bless!
Thank you so much this is so edifying . more fire in ur bones.
This is so inspiring. I needed this.