One of the most painful parts of anxiety is our worrisome thoughts that replay over and over. We can’t seem to get the thoughts to go away, no matter how much we beg God for relief?

In my new book, The End of AnxietyI give pointed actions on how we can stop the repeat tracks that are often sources of our anxiety. We can renew our minds through the power of the Holy Spirit in our life (Romans 12:1-2). In the book, I give fourty-eight actions for us to take to help change our thinking.

As a gift to you, I want to give you a free downloadable version of Chapter 8, “Stop the Repeat Tracks.” My hope is that you will find this helpful to renew your mind in Christ Jesus. For more steps toward then end of anxiety, grab audio, eversion, or print version of The End of Anxiety. You may also consider joining my four-part course on anxiety.

Download Chapter 8, “Stop Repeat Tracks” here:


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