05.13.15, Podcast Post

There are few people I am more proud of in my life than my brother, Jake.

Take last night for example—Molly and I had a gentleman over for dinner. As soon as the plates were cleared and desert was arriving at the table, I grabbed my iPad to show off my brother’s facebook page. His work is diverse, excellent and one in a million. If you haven’t had a chance to see his work, check out the latest at JakeWeidmann.com.

In this podcast, Jake and I have a phone call about his art and how it has impacted his faith. We talked about the role of art in the Bible and the way a creative God has used art to declare His glory. Jake says some a statement at the end that really impacted me—“Art can be means of going to greater intimacy with God.” If you contemplate that statement, no matter how creative (or non-creative) you think you are, this may be something you need to invest in more for your walk with God. Listen and let me know what you think.

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