Sometimes God calls us to take steps we’d rather not. Sometime He moves our stiff legs to bend in the exact way He desires, and we would otherwise despise.
The bending hurts. The new foot placement is uncomfortable. The straining position between where He wants me to go and where I want to be causes an anxiousness that at moments is overwhelming.
Yet sometimes He calls us to do this alone. He summons our soul to step out – beyond the crowd, beyond the comfort, beyond the familiar, and even beyond the bitterness. As the steps are taken, feelings of loneliness may often increase. Who do I talk to? Who will walk with me or carry me when I am too weak to walk? Who will hear me cry or hold my spinning head still? Who will cry with me and allow me to cling to them? Who?
The reply to such questions is only answered by the hollow emptiness of no one. And yet there, void of company, a comfort arises from deep within that moves you to believe that this is exactly the way He intended you to be; absolutely alone.
But the power of loneliness moves you to a place of dependence like nothing else can. You are self-actualized in ways no other person could help you to get to with their words or presence. In loneliness you are confronted with a version of yourself that is far more real and honest than any other status could bring. Here you face yourself, all your fears, and even your dreams before God…alone.
But isn’t that the way that you would want it if you could have it your way? Wouldn’t you want to be before God – alone – having all his attention on you as if no one else existed?