One day while Molly and I were riding in the car I asked her, “Next year, at the beginning of 2012, what do you want to look back and say you accomplished in 2011?” She begin her answer with a quick review of what she had wished she had done differently last year and then said, “So here is what I resolve to do differently going forward…” After she finished she turned the question on me and my mind began to be flooded with all sorts of goals and hopes for the New Year.
Later that evening when we returned home I sat in my office and wrote down the things I had told Molly earlier in the car. I managed to whittle the list down to five main areas I hoped to grow in – but getting it to five was not easy.
All of us have lots of hopes and excited energy as we enter a New Year. How do we take this and channel it to bring us to a list that is Christ-centered and reasonable to accomplish? Here are a few suggestions:
- Create a list. Without something on paper the thoughts and goals in your head will melt away with time like the winter snow. Write down your goals in a concise list, numbering them in order of importance to you.
- Examine the list biblically. Take some time to find passages that support your goals. If you can’t find any reason biblically to chase after the items on your list, then you may want to evaluate their true importance. Obviously not all the items on your list will be “Biblical” in nature, but ensure that the chief-end to your accomplishments is the glory of God.
- Refine the list prayerfully. After you’ve checked your list with Scripture take some time to pray through your list. Ask God to confirm these things as HIS goals for you. Remember, He might even have greater ideas for you than you have for yourself; strive to think God’s thoughts after Him.
- Fulfill the list systematically. A list is just a list if it doesn’t have a plan for completion. Set specific months you hope to work on these things. Create smaller steps to accomplishment that you can do every day. Create a process for reviewing these things on a regular basis to see your progress (or lack thereof).
A godly man named Ron Hutchcraft once said to me, “Plan your work, work your plan.” As he explained further he said, ‘If you have prayed through your plan then God will give you the strength you need to fulfill it.’ His challenge has rung true for me over the years.
I would love to hear some of your goals and objectives for this New Year. Please feel free to reply via email, or please comment below. I am praying for and expecting God to do great things in your life this year!