Dwight Robertson once said, “The greatest gift you can give the world is your own intimacy with Christ.”
Yet all too often we think that we can leave a mark on this world by our own efforts. Though we may not admit it to anyone else, including ourselves, we all too often are falsely confident in our own talents and gifts. We’ve bought into the lies of our own hearts that we can do it ourselves and that dependence is a weakness and independence is strength.
The truth is, if we are going to leave a mark on the world, then we must rely on Christ. In God’s economy dependence is valued as a strength. Think of the ways that we’ll be able to revolutionize the world as we know it if we are living tapped into the same power that raise Christ from the dead.
This kind of dependence demands faith – the kind of faith that throws all inhibitions to the curb. There is no time for hesitation or even contemplation when it comes to Christ calling us to Himself. When we hear the call of our Savior for a deeper intimacy with Him, we must grab every ounce of faith we have in our hearts and head for the Cross.
In God’s economy dependence is valued as a strength.
Practically speaking, this means a life filled with disciplined and calculated actions will intentionally drive our dependence deeper. Things such as longer prayer times, more time in the scripture, meditation on the greatness of God and the goodness in his gifts, and other disciplines, will grow our fraction-of-a-mustard-seed faith. When we pursue a deeper faith we will become more dependent upon Christ. In turn our impact on the world will increase because we are focusing more on the one who gave the mission than the mission itself.
Simple in concept, yet something that we seem to miss far too often; relying on Christ requires faith.