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I have been looking for a new way to write.

I first learned to write on an old computer in the basement of the home I grew up in. Focusing on writing was easy because the tools were minimal. There was no need to learn what all the buttons did because there were not many buttons. Shortcuts and key cues were not a choice of efficiency but were an essential step of necessity. Typing as a child or teenager seemed easier because the platform was simpler.

It was time to return to something as simple as what I learned to type on. It was time to get rid of all-that-and-the-kitchen-sink writing platforms. I was looking for an app that would allow me to write in a focused manner, yet kept me organized and focused.

I had tried the Scrivener way. I’ve tried the Evernote way (with I use daily for notes—not writing). I tried the Microsoft Word way. I tried the Pages way. I tried other apps like iAwriter and even apps that if you didn’t keep writing it would start deleting words.Nothing seemed the right fit. I went on a hunt to find the best way to write, and the search was worth the find.

I’ve recently switched all my composing to Ulysses. This simplistic app allows me to stay focused and do what I love to do—write! A few reasons I love it:

  • The focus mode (“Typewriter” view) is great. I love it. One sentence at a time, I stay fixated on what I am trying to say, maximizing every word.
  • The folders are perfect. They remind me of my email folders or OmniFocus systems where I like to keep my projects together and organized. I can sort based on what I want to see or how I want to see it.
  • The search feature is powerful. There is a list of options on how I can search my past writing to find what I am looking for.
  • The dashboard feature is awesome! There is a great little gauge in the top tool bar that allows me to see the word, sentences and paragraph count. It also displays the length of time it will take to read it, which is great for SEO goals or podcast spot length.

So if you are looking for a new and simpler way to write, give Ulysses a try. You can give the demo a whirl for 10 hours—which is plenty of time to know if you’ll be able to make this intuitive app work for you.


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