trees post

What would a forest be if it were not packed with trees? Imagine a forest of only 10 trees… 5 trees… 2 trees… That’s not a forest at all.

A forest is a good metaphor of what the Christian life is like. We don’t have to stand alone. In fact, God doesn’t want us too. He has even created a “Family” – the Church – for us to stay connected to and grow along side. Galatians 6 tells us to “Bear one another’s burdens.” It means that when we see someone that is struggling with life or sin, we stand by their side and try and pull them closer to Christ. Paul uses imagery that brings a drowning person to mind. Imagine life as one big swim meet and everyone is trying to make it to the end, but even before that every one is trying to stay afloat. If you look over and see someone that is drowning, do just swim around them to avoid their splash. Help them… but only if you can. “Keep watch for yourself.” It could be really easy for you to get pulled in. If you are weak in an area then don’t swim after them, for you will only make the situation worse… get someone else who maybe stronger spiritually or have more wisdom to be able to help them.

I’ve never been a morning person. Rarely do I get up on the first sound of the alarm or have the discipline not to hit snooze. However, today was different.

This morning was my first meeting with a small group of guys. The five of us sat in a bustling coffee shop with open Bibles and open hearts. We discussed last Sunday’s sermon and spent time reflecting on life lessons in it for all of us. There was nothing super spiritual about our time; just a few guys learning lessons together and holding each other accountable for our walk with the Lord.

After some time in the Word, we asked each other these questions:

1.       Have you been spending time in God’s Word and in prayer this week?  If so, how?

3.       Have you exposed your mind to sexually inappropriate things?

4.       Have you been above reproach with you finances?

5.       Have you been taking care of your body?

6.       Have you just lied?

 The last question is brilliant. It may not have been that any of us lied directly, but #6 defiantly held made each of ask, did I just share the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

I encourage you to get a group like this. Meeting in the morning (or whenever) with a few others who truly long to deepen their walk with Christ will be time well spent.  It can be that kind of jolt for your soul that says, WAKE UP SOUL! It’s time do live life to the fullest!


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