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Protect your time because small interruptions have big consequences


One time a mentor casually asked me if I answered the phone on Tuesdays. It took me a moment to process his question but it soon registered; he was asking if I was willing to interrupt my study time for a simple phone call. He knew the Tuesdays were the main day that I used to study for my...

A Christian’s Life is To Know Him and Make Him Known


The stars were shining bright as I looked to the sky tonight. I could not help but be mesmerized by the glow that shined through the little pinholes in the darkness. The child within me could only wonder what was on the other side shining through. My mind races and my soul became fascinated by the mystery of God....

A Probing Question From My Dad, “What is keeping you from desiring God’s wisdom?”


In an recent email from my dad, he wrote:  One of the most intriguing questions is: if God were to grant you whatever you asked, what would you request? We must remember that when Solomon made this request, he was just beginning his leadership role. He was still untested for the most part. He had no idea what conspiracies might...

How I Write My Study Notes for My Sermon Prep


Every time I preach, there are over 10 different steps that I take to get my sermon to the final outline. I've share with you previously about my first step, but here is another vital move I make in sermon preparation. After I've done most of my word studies, translation comparisons and exegesis work, I start a document that I...

How To Give Your Family More Than Your Leftovers


This morning my mom called. She is sweet and always has a way of sharing truth in love. After we caught up on life a bit, she said, “I need to say something to you, but please hear me out…” I knew right then there was something in my life I’d done wrong—and I had a feeling it was probably...

Why Every Small Decision Matters For My Integrity


I recently did the grocery shopping for our family. It took an hour longer than expected, but the journey was well worth it. When I finished, the lady behind the register told me I had saved $43.49. She circled the savings on my receipt and I left the store with a smile. The whole drive home I couldn’t stop thinking...

3 Keys to Keeping Confidence Without Being Prideful


Being prideful is different than being confident. We are not supposed to be wet washcloths or people without backbones; investing in God’s Kingdom doesn't mean that we walk around without confidence ourselves. In fact, you and I as believers should walk in confidence with Christ in any situation we encounter. Therefore, being all about Christ doesn’t mean we don’t have...

The Importance of Caring For Myself


We were standing in the lobby of the gym as I gave excuse after excuse why working out is so hard for me. Finally, my sister (who is also a personal trainer) said, “It is not a sin to care for yourself, Pastor Josh.”  I’ll admit - I am much more inclined to help other people, before helping myself. But...

Dream God-Sized Dreams


When I was younger I used to dream God-sized dreams. It was not rare for me to call owners of large buildings, semi-truck companies, and large traveling tents to see if they would donate some of their assets for God’s use. I would lay awake at night dreaming about what could be done for the glory of God. Money was never...

6 Strategic Initiatives for Discipleship


We have no greater mission as followers of Christ, or as His bride, the Church, than to see people come into a relationship with Christ AND live out their faith by observing all that Jesus has commanded. At Mission Hills, we will live out our cause to call people to greater Disciples of Christ by being intentional not only...

True Disciples Appreciate Depth


Most preachers knows that on any given days the pews are full of babies up to grandparents of the faith, and everything in between. Preaching to a crowd that varies in spiritual maturity can be very hard. However, we must never be too quick to dumb down our message  to appease the spiritually A.D.D. When I preach, I strive to...

How I Make Sure I End My Sermons On Time


I once heard Alister Begg get up in front of a group of pastors and say, "I've heard the best sermons are those with a great introduction and a great conclusion, with those two things kept as close together as possible." Though this joke got a good laugh, there was truth to his statement - especially that day. Begg's preaching time...