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“Touch Base Weekly” – A Way to Check Up On Your Staff Without Overwhelming Them


When I served as the Associate Pastor for a large church I needed a way to connect with all my staff each week. In the same way, not that I am leading a smaller church, I want to ensure my staff feel cared for. Therefore I created a simple email process I refer to as "Touch Base Weekly." It...

Who Has What Authority in the Church?


What is the relationship between congregational authority and the elders’ authority?   When it comes to authority in the church, we must remember that the ultimate goal is to provide discipleship that leads people to greater maturity in Christ. Ephesians 4:11–13 describe the roles and gifts of leadership in the church as being for the sake of “equip the saints...

How To Give Your Family More Than Your Leftovers


This morning my mom called. She is sweet and always has a way of sharing truth in love. After we caught up on life a bit, she said, “I need to say something to you, but please hear me out…” I knew right then there was something in my life I’d done wrong—and I had a feeling it was probably...

Following the call of the Lord


I have something exciting to share! Two days ago I received a call from the Grace Chapel elders. They were all on speaker phone, calling me from an evening elder meeting. Brian Moe, the chairman of the board, spoke for them all and said, "We are calling to tell you that we have had a unanimous vote to invite...

Unraveling the Confusion Around Church Ministry


Many people today claim to be Christians but are not on mission for God. They attend church as if it is a social activity. Sadly, the church has moved into entertaining Christians, rather than mobilizing Christ followers to fulfill God’s designed purpose for their lives. This has happened for several reasons: We have a lost view of the biblical purpose of ministry. We...

These 6 Lessons Will Help You be a Better Pastor


To be known is to be loved. All people have a deep need to belong; when we do not have a sense of belonging, we will look for it relentlessly. We long for this in our families and with our friends. In the relationships where we are known intimately yet still accepted, we count those as safe places to...

Redefine Greatness: Living Out God’s Definition of Success


  I came back from a long day of classes and meetings, just wanting to let my mind unwind. As I set my bag on my chair I notice that across the top of my desk someone had written in black ink, “REDEFINE GREATNESS.” At first I just wanted to know who had done it, and what kind of message...

The Secret to a Highly Productive Day


What side of the bed did you wake up on? Mornings are really important to me, so I guess you could say that even if I don’t wake up on the right side of the bed…I get there as soon as possible. I choose to start off the morning well because I have learned that it has a great impact...

Finding God’s Will Isn’t Like Using a Magic 8 Ball


The act of casting lots or drawing straws is widely considered an antiquated way of making decisions. In the Old Testament, Jews and pagans used lots as a way of making decisions, but that practice was never used or prescribed after the Holy Spirit was given to believers in the New Testament. Elders and individuals should be careful not to...

3 Questions To Ask at Every Meeting


Meetings have become a regular part of my life.  I spend most of my day in meetings with other people. I spend a lot of time meeting with my staff or elders. I also meet with people in the church who have (1) concerns that they would like to share, (2) hopes that they would like to express, or (3)...

2 Top Best Practices for OmniFocus (and Getting Things Done)


If you’ve been using OmniFocus for any amount of time you’re well aware that the best way to create actions is in “project mode.”  There’s nothing like taking a few moments to empty your brain into the inbox that is a part of the project mode. And oh how I love a “good sort” of my inbox when  I...

A Tour of My Office: How You Set Up your Space Matters


I will never forget my first real office.  It took me over four weeks to make it my own and move in. I thought through every little thing, including where I would dump the espresso grounds from my in-office commercial espresso machine. As I've had more offices over the last decades, I've bee more responsible and intentional with my space. If...