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I will never forget my first real office. 

It took me over four weeks to make it my own and move in. I thought through every little thing, including where I would dump the espresso grounds from my in-office commercial espresso machine. As I’ve had more offices over the last decades, I’ve bee more responsible and intentional with my space.

If you have an office job, you know that you spend more time there than just about any other place on earth. Sad at times, but true. So it is important we plan the space well. In the above video, I shared about what I do to make sure my office is highly productive but also highly relational.

Being in a people-oriented profession, I want to make sure my office is welcoming but also conducive to getting things done. Here are a few things I mentioned:

  • I used a standup deskI bought an architect’s desk off of Craig’s List. I love it. I put a laminate floor on top to make it more of an office desk.
  • I have a clock at every angle. Honoring time is important. We pray for wisdom when numbering our days, so that means we pay attention to time. This honors those we are meeting with in any setting.
  • I used two screens. When working at my computer, at home or at the office, I use two screens. This increases my productivity and keeps me from leaning over a small laptop and getting a crick in the neck.
  • I have comfortable chairs. I have a place for us to sit and do longer meetings or soul searching if needed.
  • I service coffee and tea. I have always had coffee and tea in my office. It used to be an espresso machine, but now I just have pour over or Aero Press coffee. I have 12 different teas. I love to be able to give my guest a warm beverage without walking them to the employee breakroom.

I hope this is an inspiration to you. Doing your work diligently for the Lord means that you are intentional in where and how you do your work.

Go win the day!


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