Christian Life
The Unstoppable Force of Love [Sermon]
1 John 4:7-16 The church is God’s means of expressing His love to the world. When we fully understand the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we will be quick to love others as we have been loved by God. We live out our love by encouraging, comforting and admonishing others to abide in the love of God. Sermon Outline: Put fuel in...
What Did Jesus Mean in John 8:7, “If you are without sin throw the first stone”?
What did Jesus mean in John 8:7? Sermon Summary: It is easy to point out everyone else’s sin and forget that we have our own glaring weaknesses. God’s grace is sufficient for us, no matter what we have done. In the beginning of John 8 we see the character of Christ toward sinners who break the commands of God and the...
The Blind Preacher Who Saw Quite Well: A Short Bio of George Matheson
Some of the people who have impacted me the most in this life are those who have already passed from it. The preachers and writers of old have recorded deep thoughts about God that still echo through the generations and continue to proceed from their grave. One of those men is George Matheson, otherwise known as “The Blind Preacher.” In 1842...
The Messiah in the Book of Isaiah
The storyline of redemption unfolds throughout the Holy Scriptures and reveals God’s intent to reconcile people to Himself and establish His kingdom on earth. With each turn of the page we find a piece of His plan fall into place, His promises kept, and His prophecies fulfilled. The book of Isaiah is one of the clearest depictions of all...
10 Bible Verses to Support Your New Year’s Resolutions
A New Year is seen as a fresh beginning, a time for resolutions and promises on habits and behaviors we’d like to incorporate into this new start. Here are 10 Scriptures to support and encourage you in your New Year’s New Beginning. All verses from the ESV translation. Psalm 5:3 "O LORD, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare...
Three Ways We Hide From God (and Others) and Why We Must Stop
Let’s have a show of hands—who has had a “naked-in-public” dream? Come on, admit it. I bet just about everyone has, including me. You know the one: You show up for a big presentation at work or school, or you’re riding a bicycle through rush hour or working the first day of a new job, and you suddenly realize everyone...
Love is the Way of Life [sermon]
Sermon on 1 John 3:11-18 When it comes to loving God, if we are not loving others, we are not experiencing the life God offers us. True love for God will result in a selfless abandonment to service others. We don’t just say we love, we live out our love authentically and faithfully. Sermon Outline: Only do this: Love God, Love others (v. 11) Seeds of jealousy bear fruit of...
4 Main Types of Life Trials
"Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine, the conversation in the aftermath of it ... We have become numb to this." President Obama said this statement Thursday night after the shooting in Oregon. Once again lives of innocent students were taken from us—all of which where young...
Meet John, Son of Zebedee—The Disciple Jesus Loved.
I want to introduce you to a friend…well, probably, more like an acquaintance, but someone that I love and appreciate very much. He is not here today, but if he were, I am sure you would love him and he would love you. He is an average looking man, has a manly beard, and wears the rugged outdoorsman-look very well...
Thank God: Practical Ways to Show Gratitude to the Almighty
One of my favorite movies of all time is The Count of Monte Christo. It’s a story about a man named Edmond Dontez escapes from the Cheteau D’if, which is like the Alcatraz of France. Exhausted and wave-battered from his getaway he wakes up on the beach of a far off island to find that he has been discovered by...
Let’s Celebrate (Psalm 100:1-5)
Let's Celebrate - Psalm 100:1-5 - Mike Romberger and Josh Weidmann - December 1, 2013 from Mission Hills Church on Vimeo. Preaching Outline: SEGMENT 1: INTRO AND VERSE 1 AND 2 - BOTH walk out from back stage, Mike starts by explain the service and praying. - Josh reads Ps. 100 entirely. (found on page ____ in the seatback Bibles) Intro Material: · The Title...
The Essential Elements of a Transformed Life [Sermon]
1 John 5:1-12 So far John has spoken a lot about love and obedience, but now he is going to combine the idea of faith and its necessity in our life. In chapter 5 we learn that the road to love is paved with faith in Christ. Sermon Outline: The essential elements of a transformed life: 1. New Faith (vv. 1a, 6-10) Have an insatiable...