7 Items for a Pastoral Care Team Meeting Agenda
Every week I sit with our Care and Counseling Team to review the current people we are caring for. This is not always a short meeting. On any given week we may have as many as 60 active cases to review. A "case" is someone that we we are currently engaging in biblical counseling or are caring for in...
Every Christian is Called to Care for Others: Generously and Selflessly
The Bible is clear that every Christian is called to care for others. This includes generously giving of our time, resources, and ourselves. It can be easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget about the needs of others, but we are called to put others first. In this blog post, we will discuss what it...
How to Format a Sermon Outline
When choosing which kind of sermon notes to take to the pulpit, you must choose that which allows you to be yourself — yet always be true to the text. The second you step to the pulpit, you are going to want the hours of your sermon preparation to be close to your heart and your fingertip. Here is my blank sermon notes template in Word. If you would like to see a completed sermon outline that I take to the pulpit, you can do so here..
What Is A Life Transformed By Christ?
One of the things I loved about working at Mission Hills is that our vision is clear and concise: Transformed Lives. But as the Discipleship Pastor, my role demanded that I accurately define what it means for a life to be transformed by Christ. Our values clarify why this type of change is important, but we had never really defined what...
“Touch Base Weekly” – A Way to Check Up On Your Staff Without Overwhelming Them
When I served as the Associate Pastor for a large church I needed a way to connect with all my staff each week. In the same way, not that I am leading a smaller church, I want to ensure my staff feel cared for. Therefore I created a simple email process I refer to as "Touch Base Weekly." It...
Pastor’s Kids Need Prayer and so do yours!
Raising kids is the hardest thing I've ever done. If you have kids, you know what I am talking about. It takes a level of energy, intentionality and selflessness like nothing else. Yet, there is nothing more rewarding than investing in the souls of the kids God has entrusted to you. Through the last few months, I've grown so aware of...
5 Lessons Learned from Zack Eswine’s “The Imperfect Pastor”
The longer I have pastored, the more imperfect I feel. I recently read this book... and I loved it! When I first picked it up I said with a smile, "oh wow, this must be my biography". I know I am an imperfect pastor— I will be first in the line to point out my faults. However, for some reason unbeknown...
The Power of Setting a Timer for Tasks: OmniFocus and Pomodoro
I am a long-time OmniFocus user. This world-class productivity app and I have journeyed together since 2009, just one year after its inception. I started with the first version and have been using it ever since. My wife thinks I may be a little obsessed with it (and she may be right). I love it! I am a pro...
Following the call of the Lord
I have something exciting to share! Two days ago I received a call from the Grace Chapel elders. They were all on speaker phone, calling me from an evening elder meeting. Brian Moe, the chairman of the board, spoke for them all and said, "We are calling to tell you that we have had a unanimous vote to invite...
How To Give Your Family More Than Your Leftovers
This morning my mom called. She is sweet and always has a way of sharing truth in love. After we caught up on life a bit, she said, “I need to say something to you, but please hear me out…” I knew right then there was something in my life I’d done wrong—and I had a feeling it was probably...
Who Has What Authority in the Church?
What is the relationship between congregational authority and the elders’ authority? When it comes to authority in the church, we must remember that the ultimate goal is to provide discipleship that leads people to greater maturity in Christ. Ephesians 4:11–13 describe the roles and gifts of leadership in the church as being for the sake of “equip the saints...
What is the Local Church?
And why are the reforming markers of the church (preaching and ordinances) so crucial for understanding what the church is? The church is a group of Christians (those partaking in the New Covenant with God by believing in Jesus Christ) who, together, identify themselves and others as followers of Jesus through regularly gathering in His name, preaching the Gospel, and...