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How to Set Great Goals (that you will actually accomplish)


Recently I did the course by Michael Hyatt, "5 Days To Your Best Year Ever." The content of this course was well put together, efficient and thought-provoking. It was exactly what I needed to get my year started off on the right foot. In this video I share a few of the secrets I use to make sure I...

The High Calling of Caring


I recently looked up the word, “Shepherd” in the dictionary. This is what I found: shepherd |ˈ sh epərd| |ˈʃɛpərd| |ˈʃɛpəd| noun A person who tends and rears sheep. Figurative a member of the clergy who provides spiritual care and guidance for a congregation. The task we are called to as pastors and elders is not a simple one. Anytime one person is...

Why I Stopped Looking at the Analytics


For over a year now I have not known quite what to do with my online ministry. I’ve been blogging since 2006, but it has come with its seasons of high productivity and seasons of, “What in the world should I type next?” It was time for a change. With the help of my good friend, Mike Ruman, I decided to...

Creating a Biblical List of Goals for the New Year


One day while Molly and I were riding in the car  I asked her, “Next year, at the beginning of 2012, what do you want to look back and say you accomplished in 2011?” She begin her answer with a quick review of what she had wished she had done differently last year and then said, “So here is...

Leading Through Email


I will never forget the first days on a job when I realized my boss was going to manage primarily through email. It was overwhelming to say the least. Every few minutes my computer would “ding” as a new email arrived. His management style was a turn off for me. In fact, I am sure there was more than one...

5 Lessons Learned from Zack Eswine’s “The Imperfect Pastor”


The longer I have pastored, the more imperfect I feel. I recently read this book... and I loved it! When I first picked it up I said with a smile, "oh wow, this must be my biography". I know I am an imperfect pastor— I will be first in the line to point out my faults. However, for some reason unbeknown...

Creating a Work Culture Where People Want to Stay


Have you ever hated your place of work? Maybe you loved your job, but the place you perform the work is less than desirable. I've been there too and had to muscle through. If you relate to this struggle, this article is for you. Or perhaps you are a manager and a leader in an organization. If so, your employees...

5 Essential Things to Consider When Planning Communion


Communion services are one of the most important services we have the opportunity to lead our churches in on a regular basis. Communion should never be something that becomes so routine that it loses it impact, it should also be something that is done regularly and with great intentionality. When planning a communion service, here are five things to keep...

The Power of A Ten Minute Task


You know those project in your life that seem to always be there and never really make progress? I seem to have many of these. There are things that I have either procrastinated on or that seem to mount faster than I can keep up with them. There are also are those project that are never urgent, but simply...

Things I Can Do to Erase Conflict


Practical Steps for Anger and Conflict Resolution: Focus on what I can do to correct it Strive to understand the other person’s perspective Encourage open discussion, allow both parties to express their feelings First admit that I am part of the problem Recognize I cannot do anything to change the other person (only Christ can) Unpack on my thoughts about the issue and examine them...

Becoming A Trust Agent in Ministry


I’ve been reading a book called, “Trust Agents” by Brogan and Smith. The premise of this book is that we can learn to use the power of the Internet and all its tools to influence people honestly and effectively. The authors call for authenticity in a world wide web of ads, façades, and avatars. Their appeal for agents of...

Leadership Requires Thinking Outside the Helmet


Leadership takes nerve. It demands a willingness to risk comfort, acceptance, and peace-of-mind, in order to find or create something that will impact people like nothing else ever has before. Even as a pastor, I am having to think beyond what has been done and reach deep into the caverns of my imagination for ideas inspired by God to change...