
Home Church

Smell Like Sheep


A man once told me that I smelled like sheep. At first I really didn’t know what he meant; all that could come to my mind was visions of the many smelly shepherds that I saw in India out with their flocks on back country roads. I didn’t even have to get close to those wretched men to know they...

How To Give Your Family More Than Your Leftovers


This morning my mom called. She is sweet and always has a way of sharing truth in love. After we caught up on life a bit, she said, “I need to say something to you, but please hear me out…” I knew right then there was something in my life I’d done wrong—and I had a feeling it was probably...

5 Keys to a Great Start to Your Day


Mornings are a killer. I am not the kind of guy that usually rises with a pep-in-my-step. I wake up one braincell at a time. This is just the way that I am wired, and as much as I wish I could change it, I really can’t. So I have come up with some routines that help me get...

Questions a Pastor Should Ask in an Interview


In preparation for my assignment to Grace Chapel (by God’s sovereign will) I had already served in four other churches. One of those churches was the role of Senior Pastor. Because of my experience in candidating before, my wife and I were resolved to ask the right questions, this time, to ensure we had a proper understanding of the...

The Essential Elements of Christian Corporate Worship


Within the Body of Christ, worship is more than musical songs of great arrangement or harmonious melody. Worship is the underlying effort of all the saints gathering together to praise God through song, proclamation, fellowship and giving. In the book, Worship and Entertainment, A.W. Tozer states that worship is to be the perfect mixture of admiration, fascination resulting in...

Biblical Qualifications for Elders


We take Eldership very seriously – because the Bible takes it very seriously. Following the example we see in scripture, our church is led by a group of qualified men. Together they make decisions for the body that will honor the Lord and look out for the betterment of all the individuals involved. The plurality of leaders insures the highest...

Who I am Drives What I Do (Not The Other Way Around)


When I used to be involved in Gospel magic, I remember a highly acclaimed magician getting up at one of our national conferences and explaining that what he does is not who he is. At first I didn't quite understand what he meant. You're a magician, that's who you are! Are you telling us you are resigning as a magician?! I...

Avoid Being a Dumb Ox: Tips for Abolishing Pride


In high school there I had this one girl that became the bandit of my breath and the captor of my heart. She was my dream girl and I was sure I was her dream guy. I had built myself up in my own mind to the point that I was convinced I would meet this girl’s wildest dreams and be...

Avoiding What Must be Done


I’m pretty sure if you locked me in a room for the rest of my life I would never get bored. My mind goes about a-million-miles an hour, and I have a rare talent of visiting far-off dreams without ever leaving my seat. If my mind goes that crazy locked in a room, you can only imagine how restless...

How to Make the Most of Radom Downtime


I to try and make every moment of my life count. This is partially because I believe my life is a vapor, quickly fading (James 4:14). It is also because I hate to waste anything (just ask my wife). And because I am a millennial - like most in my generation, I desire to leave my mark on the...

Why I Stopped Looking at the Analytics


For over a year now I have not known quite what to do with my online ministry. I’ve been blogging since 2006, but it has come with its seasons of high productivity and seasons of, “What in the world should I type next?” It was time for a change. With the help of my good friend, Mike Ruman, I decided to...