Dad Life
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Screen Time for Kids
The issue isn’t just about kids having these devices in the first place, it is about what they do with them. We need to consider what impact the time and devices are having on our kids. Let’s look at the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to screen time.
Does Yelling Make Me a Bad or Unfit Parent?
We had minutes until the carpool van arrived at the house. It was time for everyone to get dressed, four lunches to be packed, seven people fed breakfast, and maybe a word of encouragement or prayer before we all parted ways. As I stood by the counter, furiously trying to make eggs, toast, and coffee while discussing the day’s...
Teaching Obedience to Your Nonverbal One-Year-Old
Wouldn't you know it, our sixth child, Patten, is turning out to be one of our most mischievous children? God must have known that we needed to be kept on our toes. There's no laying back and getting comfortable. Parenting requires us to be fully present all the time. I was working in the garage recently, getting the basketball hoop...
Our Children Are On Loan
Today I went to see my thirty-six week old baby on an ultrasound. The baby was beautiful, but he was large! Our little guy is in the ninety-fourth percentile. I guess that I can’t call him “little” for much longer. They already estimated him as weighing over seven pounds. My wife deserves an award for carrying this big child...
How to Help Kids with Anxiety [video]
I know what it is like to be an anxious kid. I know what it is like to have an anxious kid. Sadly, anxiety doesn't discriminate based on age. Even a small child can be plagued by feelings of worry, fear, or panic. Recently, my sweet six-year-old niece dealt with the paralyzing fear of spiders in her bed at night....
Meatloaf: The Importance of Family Meals
Dinner time at our house is of the utmost importance, but it is also the most chaotic. One kid is screaming for water while another one is spilling it. Molly hardly ever sits down to eat until nearly halfway into the meal because, like a busy waiter, she responds to every request for a drink, salt, ketchup, napkins, an extra...