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How to raise kids who have a healthy relationship with technology

healthy relationship with technology

Raising children these days can be difficult, especially when it comes to technology. With so many gadgets and devices at their disposal, it can be hard to know how much screen time is too much. Here are some suggestions to help keep screen time in moderation:

Our Children Are On Loan


Today I went to see my thirty-six week old baby on an ultrasound. The baby was beautiful, but he was large! Our little guy is in the ninety-fourth percentile. I guess that I can’t call him “little” for much longer. They already estimated him as weighing over seven pounds. My wife deserves an award for carrying this big child...

Teaching the Bible to Kids: Tips for Parents

teaching the Bible to kids

There are many ways for teaching the Bible to kids in a manner that helps them understand key lessons that can enhance their lives at any age. Here, we'll explore a few tips and Christian activities that parents can use to successfully share the Bible with their children.

I Don’t Want to Go Back to Normal


Today is the close of a chapter. For six months, our family has spent the majority of every day together. From quarantine to summer nights on the patio, to vacations in the mountains, we have been by each other’s side. Since the middle of March, we have shared more meals together, taken more walks and bike rides, and shared more of life than ever before. This has been one of the sweetest chapters of my life. 

Meatloaf: The Importance of Family Meals


Dinner time at our house is of the utmost importance, but it is also the most chaotic. One kid is screaming for water while another one is spilling it. Molly hardly ever sits down to eat until nearly halfway into the meal because, like a busy waiter, she responds to every request for a drink, salt, ketchup, napkins, an extra...

3 Reminders for Weary Parents


Time is going so fast. Our baby boy is only five days old and I already wish I could stop time. Everyone told me that raising kids goes fast but I didn’t believe them… until I had kids. I have watched eight years of my oldest child’s life fly by. Each passing month feels like a week, each week...