Dad Life
Making the Most of Screens with Your Kids Over Christmas Break
It's winter break and you're trying to keep your child entertained without playing on their tablet every waking moment. It seems like you basically have two options: pack the tablet away or give them free reign over it for 10 days. If you choose Option 1, they are going to be devastated because they love wasting hours away watching endless...
Does Yelling Make Me a Bad or Unfit Parent?
We had minutes until the carpool van arrived at the house. It was time for everyone to get dressed, four lunches to be packed, seven people fed breakfast, and maybe a word of encouragement or prayer before we all parted ways. As I stood by the counter, furiously trying to make eggs, toast, and coffee while discussing the day’s...
3 Reminders for Weary Parents
Time is going so fast. Our baby boy is only five days old and I already wish I could stop time. Everyone told me that raising kids goes fast but I didn’t believe them… until I had kids. I have watched eight years of my oldest child’s life fly by. Each passing month feels like a week, each week...
Teaching the Bible to Kids: Tips for Parents
There are many ways for teaching the Bible to kids in a manner that helps them understand key lessons that can enhance their lives at any age. Here, we'll explore a few tips and Christian activities that parents can use to successfully share the Bible with their children.
Teaching Obedience to Your Nonverbal One-Year-Old
Wouldn't you know it, our sixth child, Patten, is turning out to be one of our most mischievous children? God must have known that we needed to be kept on our toes. There's no laying back and getting comfortable. Parenting requires us to be fully present all the time. I was working in the garage recently, getting the basketball hoop...
Our Children Are On Loan
Today I went to see my thirty-six week old baby on an ultrasound. The baby was beautiful, but he was large! Our little guy is in the ninety-fourth percentile. I guess that I can’t call him “little” for much longer. They already estimated him as weighing over seven pounds. My wife deserves an award for carrying this big child...