Today we started the day with Jerusalem — but only from afar. We did not yet enter the Old City of Jerusalem. We had a great night’s stay at a hotel not far from the Damascus gate and then we headed out to the hill country of Judea, known as the Shephelah. 

We went to a settlement that had many artifacts to teach us about the Bible’s items and analogies that our western and modern mindset misses when first reading the text. We saw a: 

  • Ancient wine press 
  • Ancient tomb 
  • Ancient ritual bath, known as a “Micvah” 
  • Ancient threshing floor 
  • A watch tower 
  • An ancient synagogue 

Then we encounter stories from the Old Testament such as the Ark of the Covenant’s return from the Philistines, Samons and the place he took his first wife (but tore a lion apart on the way), and many more Old Testament references. ..

We ended the day in the valley of Elah where David fought and won the battle with Goliath. We remembered that Christ has fought for us and won our biggest battle! 

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