Biblical Counseling

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Is Virtual Biblical Counseling Effective?


The app is open. I am logged in. Now I wait. I bounce my leg under my desk and tap my pen impatiently. You would think this was my first time talking to a someone through Zoom, let alone a counseling client. Lights. Camera. Action. The counselee signs on, I add him to the room, and boom, we’re “live.” What could...

7 Essential Elements of a First Session in Biblical Counseling


A first session in biblical counseling can be intimidating. Even the best Certified Biblical Counselors can experience some nervousness when meeting with a person for the first time. In some ways, we should; we are being allowed into a very intimate and hurting part of another person's life. This should come with a dose of apprehension and humility. Yet,...

Free Counseling Notes Template


As a counselor, taking notes is one of the most important parts of my job.   The details shared with me in a counseling session are sensitive and critical, so I want to capture what I can. I also hear a lot of information over the course of many cases, so taking notes helps me keep the details straight. I...

I Want to Punch God.


Life is not fair. God is always fair. Shelly (name changed) is a woman who has had a very hard life. The things she has told me in our counseling sessions are enough to make me depressed. I’ve told her time and again, “I wish there was a ‘reset’ button I could push for you. Life has been so hard...

Forty-Eight Things you Can Do to Relieve Anxiety


Dealing with anxiety can be an up-and-down journey. The hills and valleys come when you least except them. We would love to just take the short cut to avoid them, or the straight path that will cut right through them, but it is not always that easy. Believe me, I know. Anxiety is a frequent feeling that I have dealt...

Bible Verses for the Depressed


Though it is not something I am proud of, I have to admit that the last few days have been some of the hardest days I’ve had in a long time. The number of sermons yet to be prepared and preached were overwhelming to me. I was burdened by the responsibilities of the church. The shambles my personal life...