Church Incident Report Form
If you have worked in a church, you are aware that ministry is messy. There are times where things happen that require a record for liability reasons. I've created this form and it have served as an adequate tool for capturing what needs to be captured for events of great enough magnitude to require it. I hope it is...
Words: The Currency of Honesty
Being honest means that we use words to express what reality is to us (more feeling to fact). On the other hand, hypocrisy (or image management, as I call it) means that we use words to cover up what reality is. In the world of honesty words are the currency. However, there are many counterfeit expressions that have been...
How to write good content daily: 1000 words by 10:00 AM
A few days ago I had a conversation with my writer and editor friend about the pace at which I can write in order to stay productive towards my calling to author material. At one point in the conversation he asked “how many word today do you think you can write?" Little did he know that I'd been contemplating...
2 Top Best Practices for OmniFocus (and Getting Things Done)
If you’ve been using OmniFocus for any amount of time you’re well aware that the best way to create actions is in “project mode.” There’s nothing like taking a few moments to empty your brain into the inbox that is a part of the project mode. And oh how I love a “good sort” of my inbox when I...
Loving Christ Over Ministry
“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you but Christ and Him crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2:2 Filling His Need There is almost never a day that goes by where I am not reminded to keep “Christ and Him crucified” at the center of my life. A few winters ago on a cold snowy day in Chicago, I was unexpectedly...
The High Calling of Caring
I recently looked up the word, “Shepherd” in the dictionary. This is what I found: shepherd |ˈ sh epərd| |ˈʃɛpərd| |ˈʃɛpəd| noun A person who tends and rears sheep. Figurative a member of the clergy who provides spiritual care and guidance for a congregation. The task we are called to as pastors and elders is not a simple one. Anytime one person is...
The Blessed Command to Rest
As you know, life is complex – it is full of so many different tasks, relationships and goals we have to be mindful of every single day. Maybe you have had days like me when you finally find your bed and as you lay there you wonder—did I do anything that really mattered today? In the midst of the chaos,...
Greatest Personal Influencers
Recently I was asked, "Who have been your primary theological teachers, or influences?" In other words (apart from the Bible), what authors, theologians (either living or dead), movements, denominations, or schools of thought have most influenced your theology? My dad: My dad is a passionate man for the Gospel, God’s Word, leadership and theology. He taught me the scriptures from...
Things I Can Do to Erase Conflict
Practical Steps for Anger and Conflict Resolution: Focus on what I can do to correct it Strive to understand the other person’s perspective Encourage open discussion, allow both parties to express their feelings First admit that I am part of the problem Recognize I cannot do anything to change the other person (only Christ can) Unpack on my thoughts about the issue and examine them...
Becoming A Trust Agent in Ministry
I’ve been reading a book called, “Trust Agents” by Brogan and Smith. The premise of this book is that we can learn to use the power of the Internet and all its tools to influence people honestly and effectively. The authors call for authenticity in a world wide web of ads, façades, and avatars. Their appeal for agents of...
Creating a Biblical List of Goals for the New Year
One day while Molly and I were riding in the car I asked her, “Next year, at the beginning of 2012, what do you want to look back and say you accomplished in 2011?” She begin her answer with a quick review of what she had wished she had done differently last year and then said, “So here is...
Write What You Read
I’ve been reading more than usual lately. This is most likely because my current sermon series is demanding a lot more of my time in the books. I’ve also read from a few other guys who talk about the importance of reading – such as C.J. Mahaney, Mark Driscoll and Michael Hyatt (to name a few). All this has...