How To Be A Great Boss To Your Assistant
I am one of the world's luckiest pastors (Is it okay to use "lucky" and "pastor" in the same sentence?). I am lucky - or should I say "Blessed" - because I have the world's best administrative assistant working with me. She does an amazing job at helping me steward the ministry of the church well, and in turn, shepherding...
3 Keys to Helping Someone Through Loss
This may sound a bit off, but consider this a pastoral confession: I enjoy being involved with people at their greatest point of loss. There is nothing more tragic than the loss of someone you love. Death is hard, no matter when it comes. As a pastor, I am often involved in helping people through the loss of their loved one,...
What Does It Mean to Please God at Work?
Let's face it, work is not always something we enjoy. That is why we call it "Work". all of our jobs are filled with things that we "have to do" in order to do the things we "want to do". Recently I spoke to our staff about the importance of pleasing God with our work. We all work at a church,...
God-Dependant Boldness
My brother said to me recently, “Don’t be afraid to try something you are not ready for, because it will most certainly grow your dependence upon God.” He was right – comfort can often lead to stagnant faith. Time and again the Bible tells stories of men and women who had to try something that stretched them in order to...
7 Signs You Might Be A Controlling Leader
No one wants to be a wimpy leader. I've never met a person that says, "Man, I hope I am a spineless leader who can't stand up to anyone and has zero vision for the future." But I have met many of the opposite kinds of leaders, you know the type: The bulldozer-leader who runs people over with their vision,...
7 Items for a Pastoral Care Team Meeting Agenda
Every week I sit with our Care and Counseling Team to review the current people we are caring for. This is not always a short meeting. On any given week we may have as many as 60 active cases to review. A "case" is someone that we we are currently engaging in biblical counseling or are caring for in...
Life Balance is a Myth
This is a guest post from Brian Davis Several years ago, I was seeing a counselor in an effort to work through a bevy of issues in my head, not the least of which was how to "balance my ministry, my home life, and everything else I had going on." My counselor's words shocked me: “The idea of a balance is...
No One Admires Busy, Right?
I hate that the main characteristics of my life is that I am so busy. If you ask an of my friends or acquaintances what they would say about me, I am sure that 9 out of 10 of them would say is that “he is so busy”. How dreadful is it that when I am talking to someone and...
Gap Management: Making the Most of Every Moment
There is no such thing as a spare moment. Every minute I've been given must account for something, whether I like it or not. Even the "down time" that is incorporated in my life is not "spare" or "wasted" but intentional and celebrated. Recently I was on a call with my assistant (the world's greatest, I am sure if it)....
This Could Be Your Greatest Year Yet
I've always considered a new year as a fresh start. A time to right what I did wrong and place something new where something needs to be replaced. For mosts of my adult years (if not also in my elementary ones) I've made a list of my hopes and dreams for the next twelve months. It has been my...