Christian Life
No One Admires Busy, Right?
I hate that the main characteristics of my life is that I am so busy. If you ask an of my friends or acquaintances what they would say about me, I am sure that 9 out of 10 of them would say is that “he is so busy”. How dreadful is it that when I am talking to someone and...
A Unexpected Meal with A Soldier and 3 Insights for All of Us
Travelers from around the world scurried through the walkway in front of me. I grabbed my dried-out breakfast burrito from a hole-in-the-wall cafe and found a seat. The few tables that were located in the hallway were occupied by others just trying to find a restful place while filling their stomaches. I found one empty table and sat down across...
I Want to Punch God.
Life is not fair. God is always fair. Shelly (name changed) is a woman who has had a very hard life. The things she has told me in our counseling sessions are enough to make me depressed. I’ve told her time and again, “I wish there was a ‘reset’ button I could push for you. Life has been so hard...
Radical Faithfulness: A Message on Luke 19:11-27 and the Parable of the Ten Minas
This message is on the parable of the minas in Luke 19. Jesus tells this story to make at least two points. One has to do with the timing of His second coming being a long way off. The other has to do with how we are stewarding what we’ve been given in the meantime. The message is easy...
The Messiah in the Book of Isaiah
The storyline of redemption unfolds throughout the Holy Scriptures and reveals God’s intent to reconcile people to Himself and establish His kingdom on earth. With each turn of the page we find a piece of His plan fall into place, His promises kept, and His prophecies fulfilled. The book of Isaiah is one of the clearest depictions of all...
Stephen Furtick’s 12 Audacious Faith Confessions
These confessions were written by Stephen Furtick, Pastor of Elevation Church. He wrote them in his book, "Sun Stand Still." They following statements should serve as claims for confidence in Christ because who He is and what He can do through us. I am fully forgiven and free from all shame and condemnation (Romans 8:1-2, Ephesians 1:7-8, 1 John 1:9) I...
How To Highlight and Color Your Bible Effectively
This is a guest post from Jenna Marie Belcher Have you ever thought you knew an entire song and the meaning by merely listening to it a few times? I can remember one Friday night, while out with my friends, I got up to sing karaoke thinking I KNEW the words backwards and forwards- to “My Heart Will Go On”. ...
Shame on Who?
Over the years I’ve spoken with hundreds of people who have opened up and told me their secret failings, chronic struggles, and agonizing wounds. In moments away from eavesdropping ears or in email exchanges away from prying eyes, people have expressed their sense of being chained and constrained, and their desperation to break free. There’s a good chance you experience...
Do Good. Don’t Sin.
How often we make excuses without realizing the true impact that these decisions have on ourselves, those around us, and the God we serve. We must act in obedience to God's will.
Who You Be: Knowing Your Identity in Christ
Here are some other resources that may be helpful as you journey to know your identity in Christ: "Who Do You Think You Are?" by Mark Driscoll Who Do You Think You Are? is an exploration of the issue of identity and an encouraging examination of what it means to be “in Christ.” Pastor Mark takes the book of Ephesians and applies it...