Today felt like the never-ending day. We left Denver on Sunday afternoon, flew through Chicago and Istanbul, and then arrived into Tel Aviv late Monday night.

We are staying right off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The waves of the ocean can be heard right out our window as we prepare for our first night of rest. Tomorrow we will start the day on the beach and head to Caesarea Martamia and then to Jesus’s childhood town, Nazareth.

Please be praying for us. We did have a major setback with a lost (stolen?) bag in Istanbul. We also have one person who was not able to come with us due to covid, which was so sad! There are certainly many reasons why the unseen enemy doesn’t want this tour to work. We are trusting that God has provision and protection for all of us.


  1. Yay! Just so happy for all that has gone well so far. May the Lord be with you as you enjoy the wonder of the region and feel the presents of the Holy Spirit as He guides you through the country our Lord began His good works for the world.
    Joy , peace and enlightenment. God bless you all and be well.

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