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How to Read More so You Can Lead Better [video]


Readers are Leaders.  If you are not reading, then you are not improving your skills and you will quickly be irrelevant. A true leader takes the time to read so that they are learning new things and stay relevant with those they are reaching, selling to or serving. In the above video, I share about how I read regularly. I have...

Questions a Pastor Should Ask in an Interview


In preparation for my assignment to Grace Chapel (by God’s sovereign will) I had already served in four other churches. One of those churches was the role of Senior Pastor. Because of my experience in candidating before, my wife and I were resolved to ask the right questions, this time, to ensure we had a proper understanding of the...

If We Wait Long Enough, Will Change Just Go Away?


The church where I serve, Grace Chapel, has experienced a lot of changes over the last few years. Whether by policy changes, process changes or pastoral changes, we have had many things adjust around us. When these changes happen, they can be unsettling, worrisome and emotionally draining. There comes a point when we want change to stop, so we ask...

Why I Stopped Looking at the Analytics


For over a year now I have not known quite what to do with my online ministry. I’ve been blogging since 2006, but it has come with its seasons of high productivity and seasons of, “What in the world should I type next?” It was time for a change. With the help of my good friend, Mike Ruman, I decided to...

Making Sure Your Soul Is Getting What It Needs


Once I heard a Bible teacher aptly said, “In the economy of God’s Kingdom, the way up is down.” That is opposite of what the world says. We are told the way of earning power, stature, and authority is by working hard to be the best. God intended us to do quite the opposite. He wants us to serve. Jesus...

Finding God’s Will Isn’t Like Using a Magic 8 Ball


The act of casting lots or drawing straws is widely considered an antiquated way of making decisions. In the Old Testament, Jews and pagans used lots as a way of making decisions, but that practice was never used or prescribed after the Holy Spirit was given to believers in the New Testament. Elders and individuals should be careful not to...

Why I Switched All My Writing to Ulysses


I have been looking for a new way to write. I first learned to write on an old computer in the basement of the home I grew up in. Focusing on writing was easy because the tools were minimal. There was no need to learn what all the buttons did because there were not many buttons. Shortcuts and key cues...

How to Avoid Hating Your Job [Podcast]


From preachers to construction workers, we all have moments where we hate our job, but the single most important job as Christians is the one where we do His work. Being a follower of Christ is a spiritual commitment, one that requires discipline, loyalty, and an eagerness to please God. What does it mean to “please God” and how...

Without a Plan Anxiety will Prevail


Life is full. I get it. I don't say I am busy anymore. I don't like that... because everyone says they are busy. We wear our busyness like a merit badge. I don't think that our busyness is something we should be proud of. However, getting the most out of life is the call of every Christian. We must work hard,...

3 Tips to Help You Fulfill Your Dreams


We need you to dream! Many of us have things we'd like to accomplish, but too often we push those dreams aside. We don't dare to do the difficult things. When this happens, we forfeit having great impact on other people's lives. In this video, I share about the importance of dreaming big dreams for God. SO HOW DO YOU PURSUE...

Why I Took a Vacation from Meetings


Have you ever eaten something and as you savor the deliciousness you ask yourself, "Why am I just now tasting this!? Where has this been my whole life?" That is how I feel about this week. My schedule is very full—it has to be because of the demands of my day job. But too often, the demands of my day...

A Tour of My Office: How You Set Up your Space Matters


I will never forget my first real office.  It took me over four weeks to make it my own and move in. I thought through every little thing, including where I would dump the espresso grounds from my in-office commercial espresso machine. As I've had more offices over the last decades, I've bee more responsible and intentional with my space. If...