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Mount Hermon: The Mountain that Declares His Majesty


BACKGROUND, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND SIGNIFICANCE The view is breathtaking! This lofty mountain, stretching for a distance of 30 miles, has several peaks. It looks more like a mountain range than a single mountain from a distance. The highest point is on the southwest side and is most visible as you approach it from the Sea of Galilee. The fertile fields below Hermon...

Day 6: The Shephelah


Today we started the day with Jerusalem — but only from afar. We did not yet enter the Old City of Jerusalem. We had a great night's stay at a hotel not far from the Damascus gate and then we headed out to the hill country of Judea, known as the Shephelah.  We went to a settlement that had many...

How to Pack for Travel to Israel


In this video, Pastor and Israel Tour Guide, Josh Weidmann, shows you tips for how to pack for travel to Israel.  After several trips leading tours, Josh has his system down to a science! We hope you find this helpful in your own international travel to Israel or wherever your journey takes you. For those traveling to Israel, here is a...

Is It Safe to Travel to Israel?


Listen to an interview I did with Shalom Almog in Israel, the owner of Coral Tours: I’ve been to Israel many times and never felt unsafe. The times I spent in downtown Chicago were far more frightening to me than any of my night walks in Israel. But let’s be honest, Israel has never known life without conflict. Israel has been...

We arrived to Israel safely!


Today felt like the never-ending day. We left Denver on Sunday afternoon, flew through Chicago and Istanbul, and then arrived into Tel Aviv late Monday night. We are staying right off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The waves of the ocean can be heard right out our window as we prepare for our first night of rest. Tomorrow we...

Day 5: Lower Jordan and Bethlehem


Started off the day with some of the most impressive ruins uncovered in Israel. Beth Shean shows over 20 layers of occupation. The city sits at an ideal intersection between the Jordan Valley and the Harod Valley (extension of the Jezreel Valley). Control of the city passed between Egyptians, Israelites, Greeks and finally the Romans, becoming the largest city...

Day 1: We Made it to The Coast of Israel!


Today we set off to Caesarea Maratamia, Tzipori and Nazareth. Caesarea Maritime is a mere 30 miles north of Joppa. It became Israel’s most populous city at the time of the early church. Herod the Great dedicated the city, his crowning architectural triumph, to his friend Caesar Augustus. Caesarea served as the Roman Capital of Judea. One of the most...

Day 8: The City of David and Jerusalem


The City of David! Not to be confused with the “old city” of Jerusalem that you can see with Temple Mount, The Western wall, etc…The City of David was built on the southern (tongue-shaped) portion situated between the Kidron & Tyropaean valleys. Just in the last 5-10 years archaeologists have uncovered an extensive portion of the city that was...

Day 2: Upper Jordan


Today we visited Katzrin, located in the Golan Heights, which is set up as an ancient village. We got to experience what life might have been like in early centuries and what daily chores would have held. Next up is Caesarea Philippi which was used by many as a temple to serve various God’s, but most notably the Greek god...

Day 3: Galilee


We started our day off on the highest point around the Sea of Galilee, we hiked and climbed our way to the top of Mount Arbel. The limestone cliffs hold caves in which many people groups used to hide, but ultimately were captured. Even though the history speaks of suffering rather than peace, the views to Magdala below and...